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Benefits of Feeding NFQF Haylage
  • Superior haylage made specifically for horses and ponies using thirty years of experience and knowledge in haylage making.

  • Consistent quality with full nutrient analysis often lacking from other suppliers.

  • Local supplier committed to meeting the needs of equestrian yards in the New Forest area.

  • Dust free - No moulds or fungal spores.

  • Low sugar haylage of less than 10% (grass cut early when sugar levels are low) - ideal for horses and ponies that are prone to being overweight or with metabolic disorders.

  • High fibre - maintains fibre intake and therefore gut health and motility, helping to support the immune system.

  • Medium energy and protein making it ideal for most horses and ponies at rest or in light to medium work.

  • Haylage retains vitamins often lost in hay such as B vitamins and Vitamin A.

  • Does not need soaking to reduce sugars or fungal spores.

  • Smaller 20kg (approximate) bales are ideal for easier storage and movement.

  • Well wrapped and therefore may be stored outside.

  • Highly palatable and therefore ideal for horses that are “off” their feed.

  • Wetter than hay and therefore more like grass, horses generally prefer haylage to hay.

  • Haylage contains more water then hay and so more should be fed than hay to ensure proper dry matter intake ( see feeding instructions).

Feeding Guidelines

Traditionally when feeding haylage it was thought that smaller quantities should be fed due to the very high nutritional specification compared to hay.


Today, however most haylage made specifically for horses is not cut so early and therefore contains less high powered nutrients meaning more can and should be fed safely.


Haylage contains more water than hay (see table below) and therefore is lower in Dry Matter or DM. It is the DM which includes all the nutrients, e.g. fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals etc.



Roughly 20% more haylage should therefore be fed daily than hay.

Feeding Rates

These are guidelines only and daily feeding rates will depend upon the individual horse or pony and will take into account factors such as time at pasture, quality of grazing, work rate, body condition etc.

For horses and ponies that tend to bolt their feed, haylage should be fed in specially made haynets with smaller holes to encourage a slower rate of intake.

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